Saturday, April 14, 2018

His Word Today: Setting out

Good morning everyone,

The gospel passage for today places us in the early evening hours.  After having spent a day with Jesus, his disciples went down to the sea, embarked in a boat and set out across the sea (Jn 6:16-17).  Jesus did not go with them, but rather they set out on their own.  This journey was a test of faith for the disciples and it brings to mind the many times that we still find ourselves in situations that put our faith to the test too.

As children, we had our parents to show us the way, to guide us and to teach us, but at a certain point, every young person must set out on the journey of life.  Like the journey of the disciples, we set sail across the waters and must face the trials that come, even if strong winds should blow and stir up the waters beneath us (cf Jn 6:18).  What is most important is that we should never forget that Jesus is right beside us at all times, walking on the waters (cf Jn 6:19).  His appearance is never meant to jolt us or frighten us; rather, it is meant to comfort us and to encourage our hearts.

He will always guide our steps, giving us the full liberty of adults but all the while watching over us with abiding love, just alike a parent who guides a child until we arrive at the shore to which we are heading (cf Jn 6:21): eternal life in heaven.

Have a great day.

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